Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda – Kapha Dosha diet and symptoms

Understanding Kapha Dosha symptoms in Ayurveda. Know about Kapha Dosha diet and how to balance Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda. Kapha governs human body structure, fluid balance & lubrication in the body.

Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda

Kapha is the energy that forms the body’s structure and functioning of bones and muscles. As they are formed from Earth and Water, it acts as a binding force of the cells. It supplies the water for all bodily parts and organic systems. It maintains the body immunity and protects the cells.

Kapha body type people are often overweight, but with well-developed body structure. Their body has a thick layer of skin and has an excellent muscle development.

They usually have fair complexion with oily skin, thick hair, dark eyes and large lips. It must be noted that these people have regular appetite but the digestion is weak which results in less food consumption. Their voice is deep and slow, but with a rhythm.

They have a calming personality with less anger and forgiving nature. They are also lethargic, but with strong memory. They sleep for long hours and are very slow in their actions.

5 Types of Kapha

  1. Kledaka Kapha – Governs moistening and liquefying of the food in the initial stages of digestion. Located in the upper part of the stomach.
  2. Avalambhaka Kapha – Governs lubrication of the heart and lungs. Provides strength to the back, chest and heart. Located in the chest, heart and lungs.
  3. Tarpaka Kapha – Governs calmness, happiness and stability. Nourishment of sense and motor organs. Located in the head, sinuses and cerebra-spinal fluid.
  4. Bodhaka Kapha – Governs perception of taste, lubricating and moistening of food. Located in the tongue, mouth and throat.
  5. Shleshaka Kapha – Governs lubrication of all joints. Located in the joints.

Symptoms of Kapha

  1. gains weight easily
  2. sluggish digestion
  3. prone to sinus & respiratory issues
  4. lethargy
  5. feelings of sadness
  6. difficulty waking up
  7. food cravings

In general, one must have lighter diet; dry, warm food and warm drinks; pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes. Avoid large quantities of food, especially at night. For people suffering from Kapha Dosha, one must avoid cold, heavy food; minimize sweet, sour, and salty tastes.

Kapha Dosha – Must Eat:

  1. Grains : Old grains (minimum one year), barley, millet, corn, buckwheat, rye, oats, wheat, rice (good quality, like basmati rice)
  2. Pulses : All, except tofu and black gram
  3. Dairy : Lassi (yoghurt and water drink — preferably made thin), buttermilk, low-fat milk; small amount of ghee
  4. Sweet: Honey, old jaggery (caramelized sugar cane syrup)
  5. Oils: Ghee (for cooking), mustard, sunflower, corn, olive (all, especially ghee, in small amounts)
  6. Seeds: Sunflower and Pumkin seeds
  7. Spices: All spices except salt, especially pungent and sharp spices (pepper, ginger, etc.), lemon juice; Kapha Churna and Kapha Tea

Kapha Dosha – Don’t Eat:

  1. Pulse: Tofu (soybeans), black gram
  2. Grains: New grains, especially wheat and rice
  3. Dairy: Cheese, whole milk
  4. Sweet: Sugar cane products (except old jaggery)
  5. Nuts: All kinds of nuts
  6. Spices: Salt

Note that one can disrupt or imbalance Kapha Dosha by sleeping during the day or eating excess of sweet foods or consuming too much salt.

Author: Team AS

Team Ayurvedshala includes BAMS (Ayurvedacharya) and expert health writers, with years of experience. Possessing deep knowledge of Ayurveda and home remedies, the team is dedicated to imparting its expertise and wisdom for your good health.