Ayurvedic Remedies for Stomach Flu: Healing Gastroenteritis or Stomach Infection

Gastroenteritis, also known as stomach flu, is characterized by inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes fever. The condition is primarily caused by viral or bacterial infections, contaminated food or water, and poor hygiene practices.

In Ayurveda, gastroenteritis is attributed to an imbalance in the “Pitta” dosha, which governs metabolism and digestion. When this dosha becomes aggravated due to improper dietary choices, stress, or external factors, it can lead to digestive disturbances and inflammation.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Gastroenteritis or Stomach Flu (Stomach Infection)

Drawing from the rich repository of ancient knowledge, let’s delve into the medicinal marvels of these herbs that have stood the test of time in addressing digestive disorders.

Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica)

Kutaj, also known as Holarrhena antidysenterica, stands as a guardian of gastrointestinal health. Its therapeutic prowess lies in its ability to ease digestion and facilitate comfortable excretion. Particularly beneficial for cases of improper digestion, Kutaj plays a pivotal role in restoring digestive balance.

Vidanga (Embelia ribes)

Vidanga, or Embelia ribes, emerges as a formidable warrior against bacterial intruders in the digestive system. This potent herb combats bacterial infections, aiding in the treatment of conditions such as heartburn, flatulence, and vomiting. Consuming Vidanga with warm water unleashes its therapeutic potential, offering respite from digestive discomfort.

Giloy (Heart-leaved Moonseed)

Giloy, also known as the Heart-leaved Moonseed, boasts a treasure trove of antioxidants that fortify the body’s immunity. This multifaceted herb not only alleviates pitta imbalances but also soothes the digestive fire (agni), detoxifies the blood by eliminating toxins (ama), and combats infection-causing pathogens.

Mulethi (Liquorice)

Mulethi, or Liquorice, contains Glycyrrhizin, a sweet elixir that tames gastrointestinal inflammation and bolsters digestion. Its potential extends to reducing gastritis, although caution is advised for specific groups, such as children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and those with kidney or heart conditions.

Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)

Haritaki, the Terminalia Chebula fruit, empowers digestive wellness when incorporated into your daily regimen. Its consumption, whether as a paste or with additives like salt, sugar, or ghee, enhances digestion, promotes bowel regularity, and harmonizes imbalances related to vata, pitta, and kapha doshas.

Bilva (Aegle marmelos)

Bilva, a cornerstone of Dashamoola herbs, offers solace to stomach woes. From alleviating spasms and digestive issues to addressing diarrhea and loose bowels, Bilva emerges as a reliable companion on the journey towards digestive harmony.

Adark (Ginger)

Ginger, a treasure trove of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, emerges as nature’s ally in combatting gastrointestinal distress. Consuming ginger-infused water not only assuages stomach colic, anorexia, and diarrhea but also enhances overall digestive well-being.

Hing (Asafoetida)

Asafoetida, or Hing, plays a pivotal role in enhancing digestive resilience. Its incorporation into warm water as a solution aids proper digestion and strengthens the gastrointestinal system. Asafoetida can also be harnessed as a culinary asset, adding it to curries and vegetables as a preventive measure against Gastroenteritis.

Preventive Measures During Stomach Flu

When you are dealing with stomach flu, it is important to maintain better dietary practices and stay hydrated. Here are some tips to improve your healing through Ayurvedic remedies for stomach infection.

1. Rehydration with Herbal Drinks: During gastroenteritis, dehydration due to fluid loss through vomiting and diarrhea becomes a concern. In Ayurveda, “Sadhaka Pitta” governs emotions and hydration. Consuming herbal concoctions like “Saunf” (fennel) water, coriander tea, or fresh coconut water can aid in rehydration and soothe the digestive tract.

2. Digestive Soothing with Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera, renowned for its healing properties, can be a soothing balm for an inflamed stomach. Mixing a small amount of Aloe Vera gel with a pinch of turmeric and honey can provide relief from inflammation and discomfort.

3. Herbal Teas for Digestive Harmony: Ayurvedic herbs like ginger, cumin, and cardamom have carminative properties that can aid digestion and reduce abdominal bloating. Brewing these herbs into teas or infusions can help calm an upset stomach.

4. Fasting and Rest: During the acute phase of stomach flu, it’s beneficial to give your digestive system a break by fasting for a short period. This allows the body to divert energy towards healing and recovery. Resting and avoiding heavy physical or mental activities can further support the healing process.

5. Ayurvedic Probiotics: Consuming naturally fermented foods like yogurt or “lassi” (buttermilk) can introduce beneficial bacteria to the gut, promoting a healthy balance of microorganisms and aiding in digestion.

6. Triphala for Detoxification: Triphala, a blend of three potent herbs, acts as a gentle detoxifier and aids in promoting healthy bowel movements. It can help eliminate toxins from the body and restore digestive equilibrium.

Author: Team AS

Team Ayurvedshala includes BAMS (Ayurvedacharya) and expert health writers, with years of experience. Possessing deep knowledge of Ayurveda and home remedies, the team is dedicated to imparting its expertise and wisdom for your good health.