How to Prevent & Reverse Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

Are you searching for effective ways to alleviate Fatty Liver? Look no further! This article serves as a comprehensive guide to Ayurvedic remedies for Fatty Liver, offering insights into its causes, types, stages, and potential treatments. Discover how Ayurveda addresses Fatty Liver through dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and yoga practices.

Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver is a disease in which accumulation of excess fat occurs in the liver. Or we can say that Fatty Liver is the result of accumulation of fat in the liver cells (hepatocytes). It must be noted that it is normal for the liver to contain some fat and the normal liver fat percentage is between 5% – 10% percent of the liver’s weight and anything above this scale is called a Fatty Liver (steatosis).

There are two types of Fatty Liver:

  1. Alcoholic Fatty Liver: When fatty liver develops in someone who drinks a lot of alcohol, it’s known as alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD).
  2. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver: In someone who doesn’t drink a lot of alcohol, it’s known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Fatty Liver is a severe condition and ultimately it can lead to steatohepatitis (inflammation of liver), scarring, cirrhosis and end stage liver diseases. Another most important point to remember is that while drinking too much alcohol can lead to Fatty Liver, in many cases (75%) it does not play a role. People who don’t consume alcohol, Fatty Liver may be the result of obesity, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and high levels of fat in the blood.

There are four stages of Fatty Liver:

  1. Simple Fatty Liver
  2. Steatohepatitis (excess fat accumulation and liver inflammation)
  3. Fibrosis (inflammation and liver scarring)
  4. Cirrhosis (severe scarring and inflammation)

Fatty Liver has no general symptoms and hence it is quite challenging to diagnose the disease until it progresses and is quite visible in upper side of the abdomen. When Fatty Liver is quite evident in the body, symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss and abdominal pain, occur.

People with Fatty Liver develop complications such as Liver Scarring (Liver Fibrosis or Cirrhosis) which may exhibit symptoms such as:

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Weight loss
  3. Weakness and fatigue
  4. Yellowish skin
  5. Abdominal pain and swelling
  6. Breast enlargement in men

Fatty Liver in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, digestive fires (agni) or enzymes carry out human body metabolism and digestion. These enzymes are known as “agni” and “pitta” in Ayurveda. Also, Liver is described as a fiery or hot organ. The Pitta is the fire and water element which governs Liver. Ranjaka Pitta (kind of Pitta) is related to the liver and so is Alochaka Pitta (kind of Pitta) and Bhrajaka Pitta (a kind of Pitta).

In Ayurveda, digestive enzymes or fire (Pachakagni) has seven forms called “Dhatwagnis” and the food is converted into “Ahara Rasa” by “Pachakagni” and then “Ahara Rasa” is converted into seven dhatus (Rasa, Raktha, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja And Sukla). Abnormal accumulation of improper “Meda Dhatu” (fat tissue) results in Fatty Liver disease. Since liver is the main metabolic human organ and liver fat deposition affects the necessary metabolic activity of the human.

Pitta Dosha controls your digestion, metabolism (how well you break down foods), and certain hormones that are linked to your appetite. Pitta Dosha or unbalanced Pitta is primarily characterized by body heat or a burning sensation and redness.

Things that can disrupt it are eating sour or spicy foods and spending too much time in the sun. Summer season is the season of Pitta.

There are 5 types of Pitta Dosha:

  1. Pachaka Pitta – Governs digestion of food which is broken down into nutrients and waste. Located in the lower stomach and small intestine.
  2. Ranjaka Pitta – Governs formation of red blood cells. Gives colour to blood and stools. Located in the liver, gallbladder and spleen.
  3. Alochaka Pitta – Governs visual perception. Located in the eyes.
  4. Sadhaka Pitta – Governs emotions such as contentment, memory, intelligence and digestion of thoughts. Located in the heart.
  5. Bharajaka Pitta – Governs complexion, temperature and pigmentation of the skin. Located in the skin.

Fatty Liver Remedies in Ayurveda

Because Liver is related to Pitta, pacifying Pitta dosha can be of great help. Pitta Dosha balancing diet is very important to ease Fatty Liver.

The Pitta diet is a predominantly vegetarian diet with bitter-taste vegetables. Vegetables to avoid are those with spicy, sharp, or sour taste — garlic, onion, radish, green chilies, eggplant, peppers and mustard. Too spicy, salty, or sour food is to be avoided at any cost. Dairy products such as milk, butter and ghee are good, but one must avoid yogurt, cheese and buttermilk. For sweeteners, all are good except honey. Those who love to drink beverages like coffee and tea, should immediately stop.

How to Reduce Pitta Dosha

To balance Pitta Dosha {to reduce Pitta Dosha}, one must know about what causes Pitta Dosha in the body {very important}. There are a lot of factors that causes Pitta Dosha and known these can help to immediately reduce Pitta Dosha.

  1. Eat Pitta-pacifying diet.
  2. Abhyanga Snan {ayurvedic oil massage} proves magical.
  3. Keep cool and always avoid hot temperatures environments.
  4. Avoid too-much hot and spicy food.
  5. Include cool, dry foods and sweet {taste} food.
  6. Avoid too-much of salt and oily foods.
  7. Don’t overwork {physical}.
  8. Relax and rejuvenate yourself. Allow some leisure time for self.
  9. Don’t skip meals. Regular mealtimes is necessary.

To balance excess Pittaa, one must take break from their intense work schedule. Such people should always surround themselves with nature and they must listen to soft music (flute and devotional songs) which calms their mind.

Herbal Remedies for Fatty Liver

Ayurvedic herbs are also very effective in detoxifying the liver. Note that as most of these Ayurvedic herbs are primarily bitter in taste, Ghee and Aloe Vera (gel) are often used as “Anupans” (carriers) to consume these herbs.

  1. Bhumyamalaki: Bhumyamalaki is the most powerful Ayurvedic herb for Fatty Liver ailment. Bhumyamalaki prevents liver damage and inflammation of all kinds. It stops the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) by normalizing liver enzymes and restoring Kapha Dosha and Pitta Dosha. It cleanses blood and pacifies excess heat in the digestive tract.
  2. Kutki: Kutki is another powerful herb for Fatty Liver condition. Kutki purifies the blood and supports liver. It boosts metabolism by supporting the reproductive system and balancing the blood sugar levels. It pacifies Pitta and Kapha Doshas and increases the digestive fire (Agni).
  3. Giloy: In Ayurveda, Giloy or Guduchi or Amritavalli is one of the three Amrit plants as it purifies blood and is a powerful rejuvenator and an immunity booster. It gives longevity and vitality by bestowing youth like properties in the body. It is an excellent source to activate or repair the immune system of the body. Giloy has powerful anti-aging properties which grants flawless and youthful skin. It reduces all kinds of pimples, wrinkles and dark spots. It makes the skin soft and bright. It is packed with antioxidants which repairs cellular structure of the body and get rid of all kinds of blood diseases. It grants unmatched immunity.
  4. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin (curcuminoids), a compound which has immense healing properties and is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance. Turmeric protects the body against various heart diseases and improves circulation of blood. It enhances the function of endothelium (the lining of your blood vessels) and thus acts as an immunomodulatory agent for body cells.
  5. Ginger: Ginger can treat nausea, decrease inflammation and its antimicrobial properties can drastically boost the immune system. Ginger counters an upset stomach. Gingerol compound (responsible for its smell and flavor of ginger) has the most powerful health benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance. Ginger is so powerful that it is consumed as a supplement for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (lowers joint pain from arthritis). It reduces cancer risk and improves blood sugar levels (effective in type 2 diabetes).

Apart from these, moon bathing on full moon day (Purnima) is extremely soothing for Pitta Dosha in the body.

Several Yoga poses can increase blood flow around the liver and abdomen area which can fasten the remedy process. People suffering from Fatty Liver should exercise Gomukhasana (Cow pose), Dhanurasana (Bow pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) Yoga poses.

Author: Team AS

Team Ayurvedshala includes BAMS (Ayurvedacharya) and expert health writers, with years of experience. Possessing deep knowledge of Ayurveda and home remedies, the team is dedicated to imparting its expertise and wisdom for your good health.