In Ayurveda, the garlic and honey combination is accepted to have significant health benefits, especially when it comes to weight loss. The effectiveness of these ingredients depends on not only how we use them but also the timing of their consumption.
If you’ve ever pondered over questions like “How long should I wait to eat after consuming garlic and honey?” or sought insight into using garlic to target stubborn belly fat, you’re not alone.
In this article, we explore the secrets behind optimal usage and timings of garlic and honey, particularly consuming raw garlic and honey in the morning. It’s time to uncover the nuances that can help you harness the potential of these natural allies in your journey towards a healthier you.
Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic in the Morning
Raw garlic is low in calories, rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. Researches have shown that one clove of raw garlic contains Manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, fiber, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1 and 4.5 calories, 0.2 grams of protein and 1 gram of carbs. (Raw garlic has a better nutritive profile than cooked garlic.)

Garlic has many health benefits, primarily for health and brain. It reduces LDL cholesterol (people who have high cholesterol). Garlic contains good amount of natural antioxidants which protects against cell damage and thus prevents aging.
Garlic can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and supports brain health. For females, garlic increasing estrogen levels which is good for the bone health.
Benefits of Eating Honey Regularly in the Morning
Raw honey is naturally high in antioxidants (flavonoids and polyphenols) which prevents inflammation, skin redness and swelling on cellular levels across the body. It is a well-known fact that raw honey has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties.

Raw honey is higher in terms of nutrients. It has 22 amino acids, 31 different kinds of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. It also contains 30 different types of polyphenols (bio-active plant compounds which act as antioxidants).
Honey has powerful antibacterial effects against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Honey has low pH, and its enzymes produce the hydrogen peroxide which prevents bacterial infections and hence it is highly effective in treating wound infections and burns.
Garlic and Honey Benefits on Empty Stomach
Eating raw garlic and honey in the morning is a good thing to burn belly fat, for weight loss. Consuming raw garlic first thing in the morning (empty stomach) improves digestion and detoxifies the body on cellular levels. Whereas, honey has amino acids, mineral, antioxidants and vitamins which help in absorption of cholesterol and fat. Eating honey early morning prevents weight gain.
Here are some other benefits of eating raw garlic and honey in the morning:
- Antibacterial Properties: Garlic and honey (together) has remarkable anti-bacterial properties and it fights body from all kinds of harmful bacteria from growing inside the body. Researches have shown that garlic and honey can kill the bacteria even those bacterial infections that cannot be treated by antibiotic drugs. These two can stop the growth of bacteria which cause illness and internal infections such as food poisoning.
- Antiviral Properties: Honey has an amazing antiviral property and when mixed with garlic, it can be very effective in the treatment of cold, flu, and other viral infections and illnesses caused by viruses. Manuka honey can stop the flu virus from growing and is almost effective as any well-known antiviral drug.
- Boosts Heart Health: Researches have shown that garlic has many heart health benefits. And consuming with honey increase this power. Honey has antioxidants which protect the body against heart diseases. Garlic lowers the risk of heart disease and heart stroke by lowering high blood pressure, lowering high cholesterol and preventing blood-thinning & the formation of stiff blood vessels. Another research has established that sulfur in garlic protects heart muscles from damage because it makes blood vessels more elastic and thus enables the blood flow without any hindrance. In short, garlic and honey prevents heart disease, blood clots, and heart stroke.
Apart from these, this combination detoxifies the body as it clears the body of all the harmful toxins. These two have also been useful in prevention of UTI and kidney infections.
NOTE: You should wait for at least 30 minutes to eat after consuming garlic and honey. Also, babies (under the age of 1 year) should not be given honey.