Here are some of the best-known benefits of drinking water for skin and hair. If you have been planning to drink water for skin whitening & glow, this post will help you to determine how many liters of water to drink in a day for glowing skin?
Benefits of Drinking Water for Your Skin
Drinking an adequate amount of water (on a daily basis) is very important for the overall human body.
Water is basically H2O (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom) and as all our human organs and cells are composed of water, the water and its products – hydrogen and oxygen – are vital for the human body’s proper functioning. Water aids in almost all the vital bodily functions such as digestion, circulation, absorption and excretion.
It has also been researched that even a loss of 2% of the human body’s water content can significantly affect the physical and mental performance. Even mild dehydration, loss of 1–3% of human body weight equals about 0.5–2 kg of body weight loss (for a person weighing 68 kg). Which is not a good thing for the human body.
Why Water is Good for Skin
We all know that skin is an organ and is made up of cells. And these skin cells are made up of water. Which means without water, these skin cells will suffer damage and not function properly. In the absence of enough water, the skin will turn itself to dry, tight and flaky. Dry and flaky skin is a bad thing for the human body as it has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling and damage.
Also, when the skin is puffy, it is a sign of dehydration which somehow signals an improper digestion and bowel movements. It also means that the human body is unable to flush out the toxins through urine and feces.

Here are some of the best known benefits of drinking water:
1. The most important benefit of drinking water is aid in weight reduction. Research shows that an increased water intake promotes weight loss by increasing the body metabolism (increases the number of calories the body burns). It has also been established that people who drank 0.5 liters of water before meals were able to lose 44% more weight (over a period of 12 weeks) in comparison to the people who didn’t drink water at all (before meals).
2. Improves Skin Tone and Complexion: Water helps the human body to flush out harmful toxins giving a healthier skin. Drinking two cups of water increases the blood flow to the skin cells which improves the skin tone and complexion.
3. Prevents Premature Aging : It is a well known fact that hydration helps increase skin functioning which prevents premature aging. The skin stays moisturized for longer and no premature wrinkles appear.
4. Prevents Acne : Drinking enough water balances the overall content of oil and water onto the skin cells (face) which helps prevent excess oil and sebum secretion. Staying hydrated is very good for face skin as it prevents clogged pores and acne.
5. Maintains Your pH Balance : Water helps to maintain the pH balance. It is very important for sensitive and acne-ridden skin.
How Many Liters of Water to Drink in a Day
We all know we must drink more water. But if you are wondering “how many litres of water to drink in a day for glowing skin?”, here is the fact.
The recommended amount of water (on a daily basis) that you should drink is 3.7 litres for men and 2.7 litres of water for women. Note that this includes all kinds of water beverages, water content in the fruits and vegetables. It has been suggested that drinking at least 8 glasses a day helps the body to flush out the toxins.
It must be noted that if a person lives in a very hot climate place, or if he or she is involved with a lot of active sports or heavy physical activities, or he or she sweats a lot, they must drink more water than the above-mentioned quantity. For such cases, it is best advised that they should drink 6.5 litres for men and 4.7 litres of water for women.
Also, lukewarm water is best for the skin and water with a pH balance ranging from 6.5-8.5 is the healthiest to drink. Note that the common packaged or bottled water has a pH level of 6.5-7.5 and alkaline packaged water and distilled RO water has a pH level between 5-7.

Best Way to Add Water to the Skin
Not just drinking, one can add water to their skin by applying a water-based moisturiser or they can keep their skin hydrated by following the suggestions listed below:
1. Mint : Boil a few mint leaves in water, strain them and drink the water once it cools down.
2. Basil : Basil’s anti-inflammatory properties can make the skin look younger. Drink water infused with basil leaves for at least 4 times a day.
3. Lemon : Squeeze a lemon slice into a glass of water or on the bowl of fruit, or salad.
4. Ginger : Drink ginger tea, or ginger water. It is very helpful in prevention against digestion related ailments.
5. Cinnamon : This is for diabetic people. Put cinnamon sticks into your drinking water (leave the cinnamon sticks overnight) and drink it early in the morning. It helps maintain the fluctuating blood sugar levels.
For people suffering with skin problems, apply a moisturizer within 2 minutes after you come out of the bath/shower.
It is very important to note that drinking excessive amounts of water is not good, and may be harmful as it creates a situation where the body contains more fluid than the kidneys can flush out.